Nexavolt™ - Brianna Wiz


Nexavolt™: Therapeutic Grade Sandalwood


Most of us live with daily stress and feel mentally fatigued or we might be forcing our minds to focus on important tasks which could lead to damaging the brain. It can cause a plunge in cognitive skills, making it difficult to concentrate, learn new things, and carry out everyday tasks.


While brain supplements have become a popular option to address these issues, they are not always the best choice. Some may slightly work as advertised, while others may cause harm to the mind and body. A safer and more natural alternative to consider is Aromatherapy oils.


Certain essences like Sandalwood oil combined with Bacopa Monnieri have been used by many to improve cognitive function and enhance mental clarity. Using Nexavolt™ in your daily routine can help restore your brain health and mental performance without the potential side effects associated with brain supplements.


Understanding How Does It Work

Figure: Improvement in Blood Flow Helps the Brain to Recover Faster


Nexavolt™ not only helps your brain recover quickly back to good health but also improves your mental capacity in the process. The blend of Sandalwood oil and Bacopa Monnieri are both natural remedies used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine that contain organic compounds that repair damaged brain cells and nourish all parts of the brain to improve mental function.


The first step in improving your cognitive skills is by having a healthy brain. And Nexavolt™ can help you with the healing process. It is extracted from the wood of the Sandalwood tree, and its aroma promotes relaxation for stress relief that aids in recovery from brain damage. Because Sandalwood oil contains Santalum compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it prevents any brain injury that could interrupt cognitive functions.

 Figure: Improving Mental Focus By Calming The Brain Nerves

On the other hand, Kinase and pCREB contents of Bacopa monnieri can boost learning capacity and memory. It improves our concentration by increasing the blood flow to the brain and strengthens neural communication to store and deliver information efficiently. This process helps us to memorize and remember things faster than usual because of proper nourishment and enough supply of oxygen in our minds.

 Figure: Memorizing and Remembering Information Quickly 

Both of these natural ingredients are safe for use and will be a great addition to anyone's daily routine who wants to boost their mental performance naturally without side effects commonly associated with brain supplements.


Enhance Your Mental Skills with Nexavolt™



How To Use?

For Aromatherapy, it is recommended to dilute essential oils with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil before using it on a diffuser or humidifier. While for topical massage, always do a patch test on the skin on your forehand before applying entirely.


As Aromatherapy

Place a few drops in your diffuser or humidifier.



As Topical Massage

Drop some oil on your finger and apply it to your temples.


To truly experience the full benefits of Nexavolt™, we recommend a minimum of three bottles to optimize its effects.




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